Welcome Future Coworker!

 2009.02.23. 12:01

Coworking is a network of loosely joined workspaces from around the world. This site consists of people who run spaces, are in the midst of setting up a space, who are looking for space to work out of (you) and are interested in watching and/or supporting the growth of the movement. Coworking has been around for a long time as an idea - spaces were around as far back as the 1800's - but in our very global and networked world, it's become less about the individual space, and more about the growing movement to create Building Blocks for the wide world of independents, who don't believe that working solo means that you have to 'work solo'. Instead of merely concentrating on building a space in your local neighborhood, posting signs and leaflets to get bodies in, we use the power of social networking to collaborate towards a global union of these spaces, supporting one another and finding strength through the collective voice.


Source: http://wiki.coworking.info/Coworker


Love it: www.the-hub-net



Címkék: network

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